
By KCNQ2Haiku

Woodland Walk

Glorious sunshine,
twinkling and warm, no coats!
Picnic with no fork.

I took Ben and Leo to Alderley Edge today, I haven't been since last summer and the weather was glorious.  Ben likes the woodland walk that dips down, goes through lovely woodland with streams and fallen logs and then out onto farm land where you get more views, then more woodland where you can find a spot for a picnic (note to self: when bringing leftover peri peri chicken salad, with extra dressing, it is quite important to remember a fork, otherwise it's quite a messy endeavour..) the walk does end with a lot of uphill which is fine if you have four paws and the energy of a five month old puppy but is less good for the rest of us.  Ben had his tricky moments, pulling at Leo and cross with certain things but overall he kept it together and did very well with the terrain and length.  He fell asleep in the car on the way home, so that says something! Things have been quiet since we got back, Leo has been digging in the garden and generally mooching, Ben and I played Minecraft Uno.  We made the "Jamie" One Pan 50/50 mince/lentil bolognese for tea which is smelling promising.  And I'm pretending the forecast is not showing rain for tomorrow!
That's about it.
Edit: I had tried to upload a selfie of Ben and I walking but the site doesn't seem to like it, it says "invalid dimensions".. may be a reference to my face :-D 
So you have the general view instead

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