secret garden

By freespiral

A minor procedure

Well a very odd morning as I dutifully turned up at Bantry hospital to have the blemish removed from my leg. I was very well behaved, though, as Himself noted, I could have seriously played up if I wasn't so polite. I hate hospitals but I succumbed and emerged two hours later, most of which time was hanging about, with a large dressing. A large arrow had been drawn with a felt tip to the offending spot so the surgeon couldn't miss. Fortunately I didn't have to wear a dishcloth hat and I was allowed to walk to the room where the action took place. I was glad I wasn't having an ingrowing toenail removed like the woman next to me (she did have to wear a dishcloth hat and was not allowed to walk) and I was curious as to what the charming elderly chap on the other side was eventually going to have done - nothing until he'd drunk a lot of water, a massive jug was produced and it had to be gone by 12.30! He was a little concerned about ho often he might have to pee. I would have been frantic. No, not a lot of privacy. 
No showers for two days and stitches out in three weeks. 
Oddly exhausting.  And this was a very teeny wristband, at least the text was.

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