Sunny Sunday

Walked to Asda for a few things and on the way back plundered the verge of (nearly) all the dandelions so that Tortie could enjoy a much needed feast of her favourite things. The photo is coincidental proof that the sun shone in Chelmsford all day, a 'nearly-Easter miracle'. 

Today's GCSE Eng Lit preparation tutorial with my nephew JJ was all about Macbeth, specifically Act 1 Scene 5, where our discussion included women's rights and role in C17th England, as well as awareness of self and knowing your man - "yet I do fear thy nature,It is too full o'th'milk of human kindness" (Lady Macbeth). A feast of metaphors and insights as we look through the fourth wall at the formidable Lady M. Talking of which, I love the way that the more doors I open in our discussions, the more JJ walks right in to look around. 

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