Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

That Friday feeling!

Today was an INSET day and the teachers in all our local schools were getting together at the poshest one for a day of morale boosting activities and inspirational talks from several well-known educational gurus. 

Just being 'supply', I didn't have to go but was going to as I follow one of the speakers on social media and - more to the point - I would have coincidentally been in a group with the guy who offered me a job in one of my last interviews, only for the Deputy Head to call me two days later to say they felt one of the newly-qualified candidates had 'been a stronger candidate'. Pffft! Not that I'm bitter or anything, but I would have loved to see the look on his face when he saw the great school I ended up in! Unfortunately, the obligatory start-of-the-holidays-teachers'-flu hit me a day early on Thursday night and there was no way I could go.

In the evening, I took my son to a big county-wide police cadets annual get-together and awards event at a country club/golf resort thingy place. As he is eighteen soon, this was his final session as a cadet. He was presented with a framed certificate but the high-five he got from the Chief Constable was by far the best bit!   

No idea why there was a statue of Guy the Gorilla by the entrance but there you have it!

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