
By KCNQ2Haiku

Felix flower

Oooo, look at Felix,
our magnolia has bloomed!
Huge bright, pink flower :-D

Last year we had loads of flowers but this year it seems there's just the one, it's a bit disappointing but also, how lucky to even have this beauty! 
We're home from family, bags unpacked, dog crate and pen rebuilt, walk in the woods done and it finally feels like a warm spring day!  Sooo lovely, the kitchen door has been open and Leo has been pottering in and out as he pleases, it's just lovely.  This weather feels overdue.  I shouldn't get excited, it'll probably snow tomorrow.  But for today, it's excellent.  Or it was until Leo tried to bring a sizeable blackberry bramble in to the house.  No thank you.  
Ben has been quite settled overall, I'm hoping the medication increase last week might be helping a little.  That would be good news for the Easter holidays! And in general! He's meeting the new social worker tomorrow, so I'll be interested to see how that goes, he'll probably be an angel and she'll think I've been fibbing.. but it's not like I want to wish for him to be a monkey either :-/ Oh well, what will be, will be!
Looking forward to sleeping in our own bed :-D

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