Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Day out & my wedding anniversary

Jim was off playing golf , I was in Birmingham shopping with the gang . Jim and I don’t really celebrate things like anniversaries as we live here in the same house and I look upon his gorgeous face every day. Also we know we got married because we were there so I don’t get the point of him buying me a card . HOWEVER my shallowness is nothing if not brilliant because I sent him a text saying ‘ I’m a really good person so I’ve just used your money and got myself a handbag ‘ …. Haaaaaaaaa .

We mooched around with Po as she had got birthday present money from her husband and her parents .. we had brunch at The Ivy and it was all very civilised for about 15 minutes.
As her birthday isn’t until Monday expect to see things related to her tomorrow, Monday and also Tuesday evening …. Got to drag these dates out when you are in your late 80s ……….

Tits McGee , Manthy Bear, Po ( she’s levitating) Velvet frog, Me Jooolie & Me

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