
I don't know if he'd think it was a good thing, but I am my father's legacy. Heaven help us. (The rest of them)

Its all his fault that I am becoming increasingly addicted to my camera and tweaking my photos. But I love that we have a common interest.

Thanks for a lovely evening Dad...and when you get chance, can you email me the pics you took of me !!!(and if you find them, the ones of grandma/grandad that we were chatting about!) I thought better of posting the image of Ann (my step-mum) hiding under the table cloth to avoid the tag team photography that was going on between me and Dad!!!

LONG LONG day....a classroom with no windows, air-con not working properly and 32 computers switched on for 5 straight hours, with nearly 30 kids in the room at all times. Sticky and horrible. And one group were just unbelievably poorly behaved...I am still shaking my head and acting bewildered at their immaturity now.

Bath time.

Night night.

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