Go faster bike...

...path - it has been properly finished now for about a week. It's great, I'm sure it shaves 8 minutes off my commute.

I do have one issue with it though...

All along the route there are these symbols on the ground, clearly indicating that you are on the fast route, it's a big thing here - like a motorway for bikes.

Yet today I realised the true meaning of these signs. They're not indicating the fast route at all, the are denoting the direction of travel, in today's case - backwards.

On the way to work I battled the wind as it blew against me and I cursed these symbols on the road as I didn't feel I was going fast at all. In fact, I reckon I could have walked quicker!

So, at the end of my day as I was getting ready to go to the bike shed, I was hoping against all hopes that the wind would still be blowing in the same direction and I would be truly on the fast route home.
No such luck! Typically the wind had done its 180° switch and it was against me yet again.

By the time I got half way home I was beginning to lose all sense of rationality (is that a word?) over these little symbols on the road. I knew I had to Blip one.

Let's hope tomorrow is less windy...who knows what a state I'll be in if it is!!

That is all.

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