Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom

Jump for joy

After dinner today, I was suddenly in an incredible mood... I'm not quite sure why, but that doesn't matter.

Wanted to show my amazing happiness, so I cycled down to the fields out back, and got another silhouette shot against the sunset. It may be another silhouette, but today, I don't care.

Mixed it up with the pond reflection just to vary it slightly!*

Also, you've caught me in shorts. Which is pretty rare due to my horrendously tall body ;)

Reject shot - which I really like, and could in fact be better, but I wanted a really fun, happy blip to show my mood =]

Something good: My random happy happy happy mood. and i finally planned my media essay which I've been struggling with today
Something new: The Killers - Believe Me Natalie. Never realised how amazing it is!

*may not be real....

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