Flower Friday. : : Melianthus Major

The giant honey bush, as it is more commonly known, is growing below our driveway. We planted it years ago because Dana had one and we liked it. But we planted it too close to a giant Agave, and as it grew the two plants became engaged in a fierce battle for supremacy. The agave had the advantage of sharp thorns which made it resistant to being cut back,  but I think its water filled 'leaves' protected the honey bush to some extent when the Glass fire burned through there. We had to have the agave taken out after it was heavily fire damaged, but having done its job, removing it allowed the honey bush to thrive.

The sun didn't last very long as the clouds moved in while we were at coffee and they have been moving and shifting all day, but produced no rain today. Despite all the breathless commentary in the press about Trump's indictment, the subject didn't elicit much conversation amongst us because as far as our group is concerned, it's about time, unprecedented or not. I am not going to speculate since the indictment is still under seal until his arraignment next Tuesday, and because I think  the less said the better. His ability to create chaos whatever he does seems to be his trademark and I'm sure he will continue to do so.

I can see across the fields to Los Alamos Road above us from where I'm sitting and it amazes me how almost every time I happen to look up there there is a cyclist toiling up the hill. The hill is already getting fairly steep there and it gets a lot steeper further up. It doesn't look like much fun to me, but there must be a fair number of people who don't agree with me. Oddly enough, I almost never see anyone going down, probably because they whiz back down at stomach turning speeds.

In yesterday's question over which picture people liked, I think the pond won. I tended to agree, but decided the apple on the corner of  the David Marsh bookcase seemed more minimalist. David Marsh, however is far from a minimalist. We have several pieces of his furniture and love all of them.

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