St arrived at 9.30 and we sawed some branches off the acer , put in more temporary wires for the hedge, and sawed the middle out of the holly bush. It drizzled a couple of times but not enough to stop us. Had a coffee and he offered to help with weeding next week. Once he’d gone I took all the big branches to the tip and called in at the supermarket on the way back. Of course i bought more plants as well as food.
Did a couple of hours weeding in the afternoon and then had a shower and thought I’d play with the kittens. They weren’t interested though. They spent virtually all day in their bed - probably because they had their vaccinations yesterday I suppose. Went to the theatre with Su in the evening to see Pride and Predjudice (sort of) as recommended by Ridgeback13. Very funny , clever script and a slick performance

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