Pink of the Early Grey

Freshly emerged Early Grey have this pinkish hue. Doesn't last long so is lovely to see.

The story moves on...

Chapter 5 Copenhagen
The celebrations went on well into the night and most of the following day. Though not paid, a fair bit of merchandise (tapes and t shirts ) were sold and consequently early the following morning the band with a full tank of petrol headed to their next gig in Copenhagen full of vegan food, beer, dope, amphetamines and rapidly expanding battle anecdotes. Though the journey was long and made longer by a spectacularly bad traffic jam outside Hamburg, a notorious bad spot, the journey passed in equable good spirits mainly due to the fresh levels of inter band intercourse afforded by Little Legs and Walters presence
“I’m trying to think of a clue that would end with the answer ‘Ramadan a ding dong’ ”
said Steve
apropos of nothing
A pause
“Because I am making a cryptic satirical religious festival crossword”
“What for”?
“ pass the time...oh and someone wanted something for their fanzine”
“A fast fight”?
“Have you got any other answers yet?”
“ah ..maybe...Shite Christmas”
“So it is religious festivals with song titles and then a cryptic clue?”
“and who is the lucky receiver of this humorous item?”
“Rhodri from Glotal stop fanzine in Dunstable”
“Hmm lucky man”
As this and other inane pastimes were happening in the back Little Legs and Mo were quitele sitting in the front (Walter was sleeping off a massive hangover in the back having had so many drinks bought for him after his skinhead heroics that even his massive capacity was breached.
Little legs looked over at Mo who had his feet on the dash , a Malboro lite in one hand and a book in the other
“Wotcha reading?
Mo tilted the book
“Camus” ‘The stranger’
“Ah...good, wots it abaht?
Mo paused , thought’ and then said
“Lots of things...though , he turned the book over and read from the back
“ A story about the confrontation between human need and the unreasonable silence of the world”
Little legs thought
“Religion then? Me and Walter were talking abaht that the other day”
“Not necessarily. Religion is just one answer to meaninglessness. You can just embrace it... enjoy absurdity , he indicated backwards towards the ongoing crossword banter going on....or kill yourself is another approach”
“Why do that?”
“quite” Mo said 

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