He's got to have big blue eyes, be able to satisfy

Today in the office I gave everyone a blast of Sinita.  

There's not much doesn't get cheered by a quick blast of So Macho.   We all had a wee jiggle in our seats and the men folk looked  at us weirdly. 

When I left the office tonight, the Big Boss said "aurora expected tonight".  

So I pulled the Drone out tonight and had a look at the settings to see if I could do a long exposure with it, it looked like I could. 

So when my phone pinged I shot out the back door and send it as high as I could into the air.   Am very conscious of people's privacy so firing into the sky away from houses is my effort to respect space. 

I love the photos it generated, it makes everything look magical. 

Which, quite honestly, it is.   Life is Magic.  It is what you make it. 

Also - There was no aurora, but hey - it's magic, anyways. 

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