By lizzie_birkett


That’s me on the couch at Sabrina’s.(she took the photo)
We had the most awful trip back from Spain on Tuesday.
We boarded the plane ready for take off at 14.05 bit then were stuck on the tarmac for 1 1/2 hours due to French air traffic control being on strike. Then when we were about to take off two men decided they wanted to leave the plain as they would be too late for the footie match they were going to watch in Glasgow. This meant the crew had to call for the steps to be brought back. When they left the crew had to go through all the overhead lockers to identify everyone’s belongings in case the men had left anything in there.
Finally airborne we waited for the food trolley only to be told there wouldn’t be enough sandwiches to go round and no hot drinks. Everyone could have a snack and a cold drink free because of the delay. Needless to say none of the sandwiches were vegan so we ended up with a tiny tub of Pringles and water.
A poor lass behind us had panic attacks the whole 5 hours and was crying and breathing into a paper bag. Luckily she had friends with her. Frank gave her some Kalms.
That wasn’t the end of it, because we were 2 hours delayed Sabrina couldn’t pick us up as she was visiting my eldest daughter in hospital - I was meant to be with her.
We ended up having to get the bus into Glasgow and then a train to Airdrie.
By this time Sabrina was home and picked us up there. Phew! I slept and slept yesterday. Feeling better this morning.
Frank has taken Bella back home and I’ll stay here for a few days to visit my eldest.
It feels strange here as John, Amelia and Lucy have gone to visit his family in New Zealand. I do miss them bit it’s nice to have time to relax a bit.
Sorry for lack of comments and Blips. There’s been a lot going on.

I may back blip some Spain pics later. :-) X

PS By the way that bottle of Gin is not mine!

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