The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cotswold canal and River Frome at Capel's Mill

I went back to work, to an empty office and a tremendous tedium of emails. Got a few things sorted out: the small seaside break has given me some clarity of mind. My line manager is about to take her new year's leave next week, and is trying to get everything sorted before she goes, while another colleague is using up this year's leave and is having a boiler fitted at home. A third is working from home, and the fourth is at home, having handed in her notice.

Finished work half an hour early, as I still have leave to use too! Decided against looking for ducklings in Stratford park, because it's not on the way home. Thought I'd take a walk through town and along the canal instead. To my surprise, the section beyond the town bridge had been dredged and looked clean and hedge-trimmed, but utterly devoid of bird life (see extras). I saw two magpies, no waterfowl at all. Beyond the bypass bridge I saw one moorhen. I climbed the hill that used to be a rubbish tip, and gazed down at the rerouted canal, (completed 2013), the viaduct, and the river Frome glimpsed through the arches. I'd like to say I had lofty thoughts about architecture and railways, but instead I wondered why I don't walk this way more often. Came to the conclusion that it's usually dark when I leave work, and that would be a very good reason for not walking along a muddy towpath or even a lofty hillock.

Got home and watched our favourite quiz show in bed. CS fell asleep. Eventually he got up and made dinner. I sorted out brochures for my friend, who wants to go on a coach holiday to continental Europe. I have a tendency to drive myself mad by looking at all the destinations and wishing I could go to all of them, and then realizing I only have a few weeks' holiday, and I haven't won the lottery yet. Surely it can only be a matter of time? E. on my recent holiday, the lady who won the bingo, tells me that she has won a thousand pounds on lottery scratchcards several times. But then again, her monthly outgoings on gambling are two or three times greater than mine.

Watched the film Beautiful Boy (melancholic) back in bed again. Now I have to get up, start soaking my porridge oats for tomorrow, before settling back  into bed. Indie the cat is already fast asleep beside me.

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