Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


So as predicted I got sucked into my book and only just managed to tear myself away at midnight a mere 6 hours until my alarm would being its siren song.

Today has been hell due to my lack of sleep I was unable to block out the pain of my burning skin and boy was I glad that it was my half day so I could make my escape back home and into the arms of the demon/angel sex bomb god *giggles* I am still enthralled by my book and have started the third one of series, I know it's shocking but mixed in with the more literary classics I like to immerse myself in paranormal romance.

And onto the cause of my pain which my book has been helping me keep distracted from well erm I don't know. It feels like I have seriously burnt the top of my back and neck. The burning is well burning and my neck is stiff and I don't like the feel of anything on my skin.

It feels like a bad sunburn (and I should know as I have had some very serious burns in the past - I am very very pale with pale blue eyes and blonde hair I think you can get the idea of how sensitive my skin is) anyway there is no visible burn, other than the feel of hot burning skin and I am at a loss to explain what it is. But it's soaking up after sun lotion and that seems to be the only thing that soothes it for a while (and the book distraction) so I will see how it goes and if it gets worse I guess I will have to go to the doctors.

So I have been in bed sulking, distracting myself and resting while poor Mr Mouse has been recovering from being poorly yesterday.

But before he retreated back to bed (in the spare room I cant even stand to have a warm body near my skin) Mr mouse brought me cheese on toast :) he hates making me cheese on toast so I know this means he loves me esp as it had his other nemesis marmite. But shhhh he doesn't quite grill the cheese for long enough, but I don't care because its cheese on toast and Mr Mouse loves me

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