Glimpse of a Grey Heron.
We had an unexpected visitor pass over the garden today , if you look very carefully you might spot the outline of a grey Heron standing on the roof of a nearby garage . It was the only photo of the day, taken by Dave I have to admit but edited by me. It was taken from the bathroom window looking across the back alley. Hopefully it moved on quickly to a more suitable spot, it was quite vulnerable on the garage roof.
A wet day with a frustrating walk , as in making my reluctant furry friend take a walk in the rain. She is very much a sun lover but as she has severe arthritis she can’t afford a day lounging by the fire. We have found that the further she walks the more sprightly she becomes, powered by paracetamol. It was a case of tough love and I felt quite mean. We had a similar walk later on in the day too.
The guttering has now been attached to the wall, with holes drilled in at suitable places, it looks very neat and it will be interesting to see how useful it is for growing edibles.
A new shed has been ordered and will arrive on Saturday . It will be very small, so we will have to relocate / pass on /recycle a significant amount of our “useful” things. The idea is to free up space in the sunny part of the garden and hopefully get the rat/rats to move on .
The rat hasn’t been seen for some time but the current shed provides a perfect home ! I want it gone before the birds ,that are busily building a nest , lay their eggs .
Food has been a bit miserable over the last few days , having lots of food issues means that everything has to be homemade and there are few quick snacks but tonight I’ve made soup and a rice dish that will cover a few days .
The day was rounded off nicely with a group chat with a couple of newish friends. We try and meet online once a week and are really enjoying getting to know one another . We were brought together by a chance meeting over the camper vans and the friendship has blossomed.
Grateful for,
Friends , old and new,
The resolution of Jessicas passport situation [ don’t ask ]
More welding completed on Ruby MH
PS I was unable to upload the photo, I’ve tried all sorts of ways to get it to load but the best I can do is to take shot of my computer screen.
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