Sunshine, Wind and Showers

A few minutes before this photograph was taken there was a heavy rain shower, though looking at this photograph I almost think that must have been my imagination. As I write another cloud is coming over, so perhaps it is not imagination after all. It is very windy so the weather is changing quickly. This was my afternoon coffee break, and as it turned out the break was well timed to avoid getting wet.

This was another shot where I could not really see what I was taking, and so could not really compose the shot. Between sunshine on the live view screen and the camera being half buried in the flower bed it was pretty much guess work. I had four or five goes at this shot, and this seems to have been the one which came out best.

These flower beds in Aberdeen are sponsored by companies, sadly I do not remember who sponsors this particular flower bed in front of Queen's Cross Church, I was instead making sure the sponsor's sign did not appear in the frame!

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