Living my dream

By Mima


I shouldn’t have celebrated the sun and warmth yesterday. I tempted fate. By the time we emerged from the sleeping cabin this morning there was lashing icy rain. It was snowing a couple of hundred metres above us. In March? It’s much too early.

The day has been a flickflack of more squally showers interspersed with bright glorious sunshine. The maximum temperature has been 11C.

Inevitably this sort of weather means only one thing as far as Bean is concerned. I’ve seen little more than her nose since breakfast time. See the extra.

And it means only one thing as far as I’m concerned: soup for lunch. I made a large pot of densely packed autumn veg soup. It filled a hole and warmed me up nicely. There’s plenty more for the rest of the week, which is just as well. It’s not looking exactly tropical…

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