Sad Day (again)
Today, like most of the coming week, shows an open calendar for us. I used the morning to do general cleaning. At some point, I walked around our property looking at our spring flowers and chose to share these dainty larkspur. They are often hidden under yard waste that accumulates during the fall and winter when we have strong winds. Having cleaned some of my gardens recently, they are easily seen this year. Hubby thought he had lost a credit card so he spent some time accounting for his cards. Thankfully, he found it. He also finished and submitted my mother’s taxes. Then we glued ourselves to the television listening to details about another school shooting. This comes after a weekend of tornado deaths in the southern part of our country. Our hearts ache for the families who have lost someone. The shooting is another symptom of the extreme unrest that is pulsating in every corner of our country, maybe even the world. Don’t want to start a contentious post. Just want to say, if you pray, please add a renewal of peace to your daily prayers. There is no one solution to the problems. Let us begin in our homes, neighborhoods, local area to consciously spread genuine peace and love. Thanks for letting me speak my mind and for visiting. Be safe and hug the ones you love. “What separates us from animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we’ve never met.” ~ David Levithan
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