Birthday Flower Bed

A lovely calm and sunny morning.  It clouded over in the afternoon, and pouring down this evening.  Looks like there may have been more snow, but won't last long with the rain.

Up early, and a morning around the house before setting off for work.  Popped by Laura's for a cuppa, and Shaun looking well.  Late shift in the airport this week.  I've been working on the check-in desk all day.  Delays on flights ended up a nightmare, but we finally got folk away.  I had a mysterious suitcase arrive.  Someone at BA Heathrow sent the case up to Shetland, it's destination was actually in Italy.  I have no idea how they mixed up the flights, maybe they think Lerwick is on a par with Rome!  I tracked down the owner, much to their surprise, and will reunite them ASAP.  Quiet night by the fire. 

It was Laura's birthday yesterday, and she was greeted with various lovely gifts.  Her best gift of all, was this raised flower bed.  The flower bed was made by Laura's lass, Elise.  Elise has done a grand job with the woodwork and finishing, sturdy too, a very talented future for her.  Laura now needs to find a home for it, somewhere it stands proud and in sight of guests popping by.  Laura with her gift, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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