twinned with trumpton


The usual Friday AM OT gig. 

Alex was first home from school at lunchtime, so we went across the road for soup (me) and iced doughnuts (Alex) 

An afternoon of finally doing some household chores, before Tom went out to play pool (with my reservations about the suitability of this ignored) and Alex and I exited for Spartans training in a downpour.  We sheltered a while until brightness crept across and training started.

I went up to say hi to Her and managed a cup of tea before a frankly bizarre 2 miles of traffic nonsense on the way to get Alex.
A car headed up a one way street towards me, ignoring my hand signals to stop. The bus coming the other way proved a more compelling argument.

A car that indicated right but then turned left instead as I sought to undertake them. A bit too close.

Then the guy who spat at me and threw rubbish out his window at me, despite me still being on my side of the white line but not allowing him enough space to carry on with his journey for fully 3 seconds.

The taxi driver on Princes St with his side sliding door open as he's driving along.

The guy who overtook me on the wrong side of a traffic island despite me doing way over the speed limit and trying to execute a  right turn immediately after the pinch point

I did well to get home and present bacon and mushroom pasta for dinner whilst Inverness sneaked past Plastic Whistle 1-0. I'd already had enough excitement for one evening so a dour lumpen encounter was fine by me

Alex waiting  in the bike shed for the storm to ease before stepping out for football training

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