
By cracker

Corn on the cob!

Joti is still sick. She now has a runny nose and is vomiting to go with her diarrhea. The poor thing looks like she has lost a bit of weight too. She is mostly happy during the day if she is distracted, otherwise she is a bit grizzly and wanting milk all the time. We are going to the doctor tomorrow to see what the go is.

I looked after Leo today which went well. The kids played well together and Joti had a sleep for 45 minutes so Leo and I played together!

Yesterday Fleur looked after Joti for the day and Kaz and I drove to Brisbane to look at the house Kaz and Jo bought to renovate on Saturday. We picked up a friend of Kaz's, Jane, as well as her daughter and she helped us with going room by room and recommending colours and what to do in each room!

It took a lot longer than we thought and we were nearly late back to pick up Spence from school and Joti from Fleur!

Here is Joti tonight eating corn off the corn cob! She looked so proud of herself!!

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