East Geirinis School

Not a lot left of the corrugated iron strucrue itself - indeed it was taken away and re-erected on Grimsay, having already completed one move from the bottom of South Uist. Not many schools can claim to be so well travelled.
I wondered abuot the two gates and pondered it is was a gate for boys and one for girls but it does seem a little unlikley as onyl one set of steps remains. Not a bad setting for a school.
The local library holds the school reigsters from 1910 to 1952 which were the years it was open. 
The ten crofts in the area were created in 1908. The funding of the school itself was controversial, even being rasied in the House of Commons by the local MP, John Dewar (son of the Dewar whisky distillery owner), who likened the process to 'a scene from a Gilbert and Sullivan opera'.
Not much drama left here now - just tranquility and a slightly melancholic air hanging over the remains.

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