National Open Garden Scheme

It’s that time of year again. Spring is arriving and the regulars who take part in opening their beautiful gardens for charity are beginning to emerge. All donations, entry fees etc go to charity, and they are wonderfully sociable events too. Gardeners are rightly proud of their creations and are more than happy to chat and offer help. 

There are leaflets outlining which ones are open in your area if you haven’t come across this before. Or you can look on the website for full details. 

One of my favourite private gardens is the Millenium Garden, in Lichfield, which has thousands and thousands of beautiful daffodils. The owner said, as I arrived, that she doesn’t think it’s ever looked better. She was not wrong.

A gentle walk round, enjoying the blooms and the strategically placed statuary and ornaments, is good for the soul. 

The tea and home made cakes are pretty good too. 

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