Fine Day at Castle Cottage

A beautiful sunny day, but a cold wind.  The cold wind has brought some snow showers this evening. 

Up early, and headed out walkies with Sammy.  Headed out for a run in the car in the morning.  Back to Julie's for lunch, Ingram made soup.  To the UP shop for a look, and then a relaxed afternoon.  Off to the pub again tonight, a disco for the stag party is there.

I had planned a walk over the hills to beaches etc, but the ground was too wet.  Instead a brisk cold walk around the castle and grounds.  Next to the castle is this old but-an-ben croft house.  It's in even poorer condition since the last time I was here.  I do wish someone would rescue it.  Taken at Castle Cottage, Muness, Unst. 

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