Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Started with such promise

Little squirts first attempt at grown up parkrun, he doesn't want to do it again. He did so well, 2.89km jeffing (run walk) all the way. It all went wrong when he fell over and he didn't want to carry on so I said that's fine we don't have to do the second loop but we can't go through the finish. Then he cried when he realised that not going through the finish means no finishing token, but it was already too late as I had told the tail walker we were pulling out and to go ahead, we would never have caught them up. 

Still he was awesome youngest one running today, only one from junior parkrun there and it was his furthest distance. 

But he still wants to do junior parkrun and we are going to sign up for the robin hood mini marathon, after I confirmed to him it's the same distance as junior parkrun so I haven't put him off. 

This afternoon I got some worrying news. Something was picked up on a blood test my dad had and they sent him for more tests and a scan. It's a big scary worry. 

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