Bedtime Stories

A good night and day with the wee man, next time I see him he’ll be three! He’s been a little angel for most of the day…this morning after a lie in we went shopping then visited Mum in the care home where she’s staying for three weeks respite. He kept the residents in the lounge entertained for an hour before they went for lunch. Home for our lunch and by 2pm he was curled up beside me fast asleep…I did likewise. He slept for over two hours, me not so long! 

He wasn’t hungry at teatime so had a yoghurt and leftover lunch, I decided I’d take him home before I ate but got wine and hot pot potatoes from the boys. Daddy had bought new bedtime stories but I had to read them to him…this one is the funniest book I’ve ever read, I was crying with laughter! Now having a quiet evening…I need to get his presents sorted out as they’ll be round mid morning to pinch the car as they’re going out to a soft play with some friends and their little girl for a birthday treat.

Extra..the final picture of a two year old. Three years ago we could only hope we’d be blessed with a beautiful little boy, eight months later and this little tike stole all our hearts. Like all toddlers he’s hard work at times but I for one wouldn’t change him for the world…though I am grateful to hand him back on occasion! The Granny Carol nomenclature seems to be sticking and he takes great delight shouting it at the top of his voice wherever we are!

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