
By Beckett

BEE in mono

It is a day to be out early, as the weather she is about to change! The wonderful Autumn thus far looks like going to cold and wet - oh well....
Noticed some bee action on our mandevillas - so out quickly to get a Blip.
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Had a couple okay, (still having trouble getting "tack" focus on the new toy sorted out) one is on my Blipfolio, Bee in Heaven! but thought I would do a mono for todays Blip - hope you enjoy.
For those interested some Wiki info on the Mandevillas.

Mandevilla (pron.: /?mænd??v?l?/) is a genus of plants belonging to the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. It consists of about 100 species, mostly tropical and subtropical flowering vines.

Mandevilla species are native the Southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America and South America. Many originate from the Serra dos Órgãos forests in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The genus was named after Henry Mandeville (1773-1861), a British diplomat and gardener.

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