
I had to nip into Bantry to get some seedlings from the market as I have been exceptionally lax about planting anything this year - what can I have been doing?? It was pretty wild, strong winds, high tides and the occasional drenching downpour. I had to shelter in a doorway and looking down, admired the mosaics - the whole thing is in the extra. So attractive and so nicely done. As I was taking photos the young woman in the shop came out and offered to clean them, she apologised for the grubbiness and blamed the weather but I assured her they looked just fine and I liked a little grunge. 
Originally this had been the entrance in to Mr Charles Cullinane's draper's shop. He died in 1900 from a neglected cold, the weather being similarly boisterous then as it is now. 
Do you know what, I think the book is done! We did the final final corrections today and I am now trying desperately hard not to have another look through. Frustratingly, the almost promised heritage grant has not come through which I'm very disappointed about so now we shall have to consider other options - all expensive. Sigh. 

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