Pie filler?
I'm not sure how intelligent this rabbit was, he was quite happy for me to take his portrait and sat up watching me, without any obvious thought for his own safety. If I'd wanted rabbit pie, like Mr McGreggor, I'm pretty sure that I could have caught the main ingredient without too much trouble.
In other news I've now got Dad's funeral organised and after a lot or trying I've finally managed to get an appointment to register Dad's death, although not until next week. It does rather seem that the statutory obligation to register within 5 days is honoured more in the breach than in practice.
I was amused by the message playing on the Council's phone system while I was on hold. It suggested that as they were busy you give up holding and instead use their on-line system, unless the matter was urgent. But they don't allow you to use the on-line system if it has been more than 5 days, and as for the urgency, well it was only a matter or life or death after all. You have to laugh ...
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