
It's not very abstract but I can certainly attest to the fact that it demonstrates repetition. I double exposed it over a picture of the baby I am making it for.  I'm not very happy with the double exposure but I'm not sure Lindsay and Adisa would be happy with publishing their daughter's picture. I made 15 hearts today.  I have one more row to go and I'm sure there will be tweaking. before I decide on sashing material and start sewing them all together. 

No rain today which gives the city time to clear fallen trees and try to prevent a landslide from reaching some houses. Bulldozers and earth moving equipment are once again being pressed into service. According to a story in the paper, a  huge two hundred year old oak tree growing next to Santa Rosa Creek where it runs through a retirement community near Spring Lake fell 'unexpectedly'. It hardly seems unexpected to me since trees are pulling out of the saturated ground and falling over all over the place, and people have been out of power because falling trees have taken out power lines.   It was, however,  fortunate that it didn't fall on anybody and did little damage except to a fence for it was huge.  

It is very windy and cold despite the valiant efforts of the sun and is supposed to remain so until next Tuesday when another Atmospheric River seen developing over the Pacific is predicted to reach the Northern California coast.

Our neighbors in what we are referring to as the fortress seem to be stalled out by the weather and their contractor's decision not to put in the stairs or the elevator until the last thing because he didn't want the workers 'messing them up'. The path to the front door is very steep and I think the stairs will be cement, but I guess there's no way they can pour cement in this weather. I don't think they will clear the final inspection to live in the house until the stairs are in. We're not quite sure what they are doing but they have moved their RV into the garage, so either they are living in the house anyway, or the RV leaks. All speculation on our part as we have no idea what is happening there.

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