Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The ONE day !

The one day I didn’t pick up my coat …. The wind wasn’t cold and the rain wasn’t forecast until much later …. it’s really really rare for me to forgo my outerwear I can tell you . Maybe I was GIDDY at the fact it was 13 degrees and not freezing . Anyway that’ll teach me won’t it . I even had to put a dry vest on .
In other news I made cranberry and white chocolate cookies , just to make sure they kept on being tasty I ate 7 … I can confirm I make good cookies .
We are on a countdown now to Lucy going out to join Eve , she will be joining Eve and the others in Singapore then they are going somewhere else that I’ve completely forgotten. we have booked them both a flight home though for 20th June . I won’t have seen Eve for almost 7 months by then .

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