
By HighlandCoo

Sr Margaret

Someone yesterday blipped a really old photo and it got me thinking about what old ones I have. I dug out my album and found some photos that I forgot I even had!

This one is of my Grandfather's sister - Margaret. She is still alive and lives in a Convent in Ireland - has done for over 60 years now! Margaret and my Grandad were very close and I have always loved being around her also. I visited her last in November 2012. It had been 5 years since I'd seen her, so I really wanted to make the effort to go and see her whilst I was there.
The spread that the Nuns put on for their guests is always fabulous - sandwiches, apple pie, cake, tea.... plus she always gives us a gift of some sort. This time it was a photo frame!
She is still as gentle and happy as I remembered her to be and still looks very well for her age!

Anyhow, this photo was taken of her circa 1936 when she was about 5 years old. As you can see she was a very pretty little thing, and she still has that wonderful smile. In his later years, Uncle Fred (my great, great uncle!) would mistakenly call me by her name. Apparently, we looked very similar! Mind you, Uncle Fred was 102 when he died, so, maybe his eyes weren't as good as they used to be - I was never that pretty! :-)

In a way, it's such a shame that she never married and had children as she would have made a wonderful mother, but, she chose a different path in life... I wonder what could have been....

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