
I was in the middle of a meeting (without cameras on, thankfully) when I noticed the pretty reflection in my phone screen.  Luckily, I had my camera to hand ;)

Got up a little earlier today (and Tim got up really early), as the Plusnet engineer was due between 8 and 10am.  Of course he didn't actually arrive until nearly 10.  The first thing he did was check the number on our landline, and it's bloody well been changed!!  That's why we have no internet.  Some numpty at the exchange must've plugged the wrong thing in somewhere.  We now have to wait until Monday for BT to (hopefully) fix it.  Ah well, at least I'm getting to make the most of the extra 20gb of data I bought through GiffGaff.

We had someone come in this afternoon, too, checking out a few things in the flat for Gael, our buyer.  He reassured us, as she had already done, that they're not trying to knock the price down or anything, but just doing some forward planning for improvements she'd like to make. 

Tim also called Martin (who we're buying from) this afternoon, and had quite a long chat with him.  Feeling very lucky that everyone involved in our immediate chain is so very lovely!

Busy work day aside from all that.  I had a nice catch up with my boss this afternoon - she's very happy for us that we've found a place in Devon.  She's threatening to come for in-person catch-ups, which I've told her would be fine ;)

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