twinned with trumpton


After the best sleep in while (It's amazing how much better you sleep without the constant drip of water as a soundtrack to your slumbers) I took advantage of the fresh sunny day to get some work done. 

From the depths of the 'hood, via leafy Blackhall / Ravelston, New Town, West End, Polwarth, Gorgie and the Old Town I finally wound up in Gilmerton. Trolleys were snapped, work was done and Cigs were hunted for (none found)

Back to Hers to rehydrate and take the pup out for a quick birl about the Meadows afore some report writing. 

Post report writing  the dog and I took another turn around the Meadows before roast chicken was served up and I took myself off avec hound homewards. A nice half hour meander from Morrison's ended the day. 

More black and white but colour photos. 

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