
By Juli

My boy lollipop!

Every morning, our intrepid School Crossing Patrolman braves a road that not only has one but two schools right opposite each other. Anyone who's ever done a school run can imagine the chaos! Knowing that calling him a 'Lollipop Man' is definitely not PC these days, I asked him what his board was called. 'A lollipop,' he said. I give up. ;-)

Seriously, he does a grand job. I actually invented a heated lollipop stick with an umbrella attached for him over the winter. It's still in the 'design stage' but as soon as I find a manufacturer...

My Year 7 class (you know the one...) were brilliant first thing yesterday. There's something about the first lesson on a Monday morning that makes behaviour management virtually unnecessary. I got the best feedback so far from my Head of Department but pride comes before a fall, as they say. Imagine half the class refusing to stop talking, another half making up any excuse to leave the room, and the remaining half saying that someone hit them/took their pen/called them names and you have the same Year 7 class on a Tuesday afternoon.

And yes, I know that's three halves. It's been that sort of day. It's my 'weekend' tomorrow and Thursday so hopefully I can get back on track here!


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