
Sunny, a cold wind, +4. The snow has melted still much more.

Today again I had an appointment considering the next moped after the current has got broken.

The realities are clear, there isn't a suitable new one for me and to available one all the needed changes can't be done because of the directives. In any case, using it will be difficult, and I have made clear I don't want the new one a moment before the current gets  broken. So, I have the permission to have the current moped as long as it works and have it maintained as an necessary mobility aid. I wish the day will never be here and would like to blow the whole problem to the winds of sky.

When waiting for taxi to leave I was wandering to find something to photograph in a lovely weather. First I detected the blackbird, but right at the moment I triggered it ran away. Nothing else interesting seemed to exist in the whole yard... Then to the birch, near our outdoor. Birch trunks are always beautiful, bright, and so white in the sunshine. It's the bark on it.

The strong and water-resistant cardboard-like bark can be easily cut, bent, and sewn, which has made it a valuable building, crafting, and writing material, since pre-historic times. Today, birch bark remains a popular type of wood for various handicrafts and arts. However, removing birch bark from live trees is harmful to tree health. It should be done only with the landowner's permission from birch trees condemned to be felled.

When riding around the region I often stop to admiring these beauties.

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