Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Ready For Your Close Up, Hovis?

I don't think so...he really hates having to "pose" for the camera, especially when there are squirrels to be a-chasing! His legs look bendy here....ready for the off! Still cute though.

Somehow I have lost my Blip mojo but I will get it back....I will!

At work today, I had home visits to do...some in the bowels of Bolton...I am amazed by some of the places I visit and not always in a good way.

The first patient I went to was out of the door on his mobility scooter just as I arrived. He said he was going for his breakfast at the adjacent supermarket as he'd been waiting for hours. I told him that it was only ten past nine and that he was my first visit of the morning. He replied that he'd been waiting since 6am!! What time should I start work then?!!

After taking forever to find another address at the back of beyond (even with a Sat Nav...I can still go left instead of right)...the "housebound" patient didn't answer the door!! One of those days....balanced out by two patients that I really enjoy visiting so all good.

I needed a walk with Hovis today to enjoy NOT living in the bowels of beyond.

Lewis made a delicious veggie curry at school today. I couldn't wait to see how it turned out and, of course, we were all having it for tea with some rice. Lewis said it was "disgusting" before lifting the lid on the container and revealing the most delicious looking curry ever - and I'm not really a curry person at the best of times. It was really good...Lewis didn't have any of it because it had carrot, courgette, pepper and potato in it. (How he, as a vegetarian since birth, can dislike vegetables is beyond me!!). So myself, Jed and Rowan's friend, Jack, had the scrummy curry for tea. Lewis had curry out of a jar and Rowan had egg and soya sauce with his rice!! Next week, Lewis is making apple crumble....I'm sure he will eat that...probably on the school bus on the way home!!!

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