
Last night I had an unhappy episode with Kyro.  He was lying next to me asleep on my right side.  A slight movement by by right arm triggered him to snarl, bark and attempt to bite me.  I quickly got off the sofa calling 'No'. He continued barking. OH heard the commotion and also firmly called 'No'.  Kyro did manage to leave a bruise on my right wrist and a small cut through my long sleeved top and jumper above my elbow.

We shut him in the living room for him to calm down and to think what to do.  Our previous  greyhounds weren't aggressive at all.

I texted Sue, Retired greyhound trust where we adopted Kyro from.  Her view, and of course, it's obvious now, was he's possessive of the sofa and the advice is to block access to it and leave him to his bed plus some greyhounds have a sleep startle reflex. We've blocked the sofa with a pouffe and a small table.  Poor Kyro is perplexed but needs must.  

Other aspects are good with him though.  So it's just a blip, for want of a better word.

Pleasant evening everyone.

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