Funny Harp.

Harp doesn't fall asleep well at night-time. She's still sleeping on a made up bed in our room but she will play around with our clothes. This is what we woke to this morning.  Mr R has had this chair for around 20+ years. 

Well I jumped on my bike for work this morning.  My ass is killing me but it was good to get on my bike and exercise.  Work went well. Kept me on my toes. 

After a stressful morning before school,  thankfully Xander and Lincoln got on well and had a good day. The two wee ones had fun at nursery.  The jedi had his clothes changed 6 times from playing in the water and outside in the mud. Nursery says he has his own clothes line. Hehe. 

It's football tonight and it's raining.  I have a golf brolly. Woo hoo. I'll catch up when I can. X 

Oh I got this note from my boss today. I thought it was kind 

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