Shamanic Healing

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I am not very woo-woo. I do not really understand the woo-woo. 

But people I love and respect - Ellie, Loulou and Odette - are all about the woo-woo. 

So I respect the woo-woo. Even if the world of woo-woo is denied me. 

Caro's ex-manager Kirsty from Scotland is also into the woo-woo. In fact, she left her position as Caro's manager at the start of the year to go to a shamanic retreat and learn about the woo-woo.

On Wednesday she called Caro to say she had been experiencing vivid dreams of Caro, and was she all right? Caro assured her that she was but then Thursday happened - 


Upon hearing of Caro's road accident Kirsty performed what she called "shamanic distance healing" upon Caro. On her spiritual journey, she described an elderly Chinese man showing her pictures of a white rabbit. 

Did that mean anything to Caro? She asked. 

Caro revealed that:

- Odette (another shaman) had once told Caro that her spirit guardian was an elderly Chinese man

- On the day of the accident, Caro had encountered a white rabbit, right in the middle of the road. It belonged to a neighbour and had escaped and Caro spent ten minutes recapturing it and returning it to the neighbour. This has never happened before and Caro didn't even know there WAS a white rabbit until Thursday. She crashed her car mere minutes later. 

Kirsty was surprised. "My visions don't always have meaning," she added. "For example, I saw so many butterflies too... does that mean anything?"

It did not.

I didn't know any of this. It all happened late on Friday night and I didn't see Caro until she arose and told me about it on Saturday afternoon. 

It was a pity she missed the morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. I marvelled at the number of Monarch and White butterflies I saw. 

So many more than usual. 

One Monarch returned to the back door, again and again, as if trying to find its way in. 

I smiled at it, and it flew away as my wife slept peacefully on. 


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