cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"the coffee tastes so fine"

When I got home last night and seen the amount of food that mum had both made herself and been given by others, I thought we were preparing to feed the 5000! Well, we might well have done....

We opened up our home to the local community, family and friends for a fundraising coffee morning in support of the Breast Screening Unit at Altnagelvin Hospital - part 2 of my skydive fundraising.

At one point, we didn't have enough chairs for everyone to sit down! Our house was full of conversation, laughter and almost a sense of togetherness, determination and hope to finally beat cancer as so many people who joined us had been affected by this disease in some way. Thanks to mum's army of helpers in the kitchen, mum, dad and I were able to spend time talking to everyone who had come along to support us, rather than running in and out with cups of tea, coffee and home baked goodies! But even at that we didn't have time to say hello to everyone!

2.5hrs later after the last person left, we opened our donations box and the money just spilled out of it! In such a short space of time we had raised £1116!!!! Never let it be said that the people of Fermanagh and further afield are not generous! This money was more than we ever imagined we'd raise and certainly brought more than 1 tear to my eye!

Together with other donations that mum had received prior to the coffee morning, the total rocketed to over £3000, not including the £460 that I raised with my skydive for Breast Cancer Care - the charity connected to the unit.

The money will now go directly to the Breast Care Unit for them to use as they see most appropriate. It's a small gesture in return for all the care that mum and so many women like her have received at the unit following their diagnosis, through their treatment, and even now in the years of aftercare.

I am so glad I came home for this!

Thank you so much everyone!

# The Coffee Song - Eric Clapton #

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