I knew that this one would be a quick read at just 191 pages. I enjoyed the style of it but I don't think I will rush to read the others with the same central character. I like something with a bit more substance in its storyline, I think.
It has been quite a warm Sunday with blossom starting to appear on one of the trees on our walk around the big block - as evidenced in the extra. Bailey has enjoyed sitting out in the garden and it was light when we got up for his breakfast. I stayed up and worked, ticking a couple of things off the list and doing some Y11 exam marking. Mother's Day card and present opening once Mum and Dad joined us and then our walk in the Spring sunshine.
I'm off to Luton for a few days for work from tomorrow so there was packing this afternoon and training for Mum with the eating and injecting regime for Bailey. He was a good boy and ate his tea so I am hoping that that continues for the next few days.
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