
By sharon143

Over to Glasgow this morning - D had meetings there so I decided to go with her. Got the subway to the WestEnd and LM met me at KelvinHall and we walked up to the museum. Wonderful place. Looked around the Glasgow Boys and MacIntosh exhibitions and then went for an early lunch the cafe. Nice to meet her properly and chat. After she left I listened to an organ recital- lovely to see young children marching sround to Scotland the Brave! I was intending to walk around the area next but it was pouring withrain so I looked around the Scottish Colourists andSocial History areas. Bought a couple of gifts and a scarf in the shop and then got the subway back to Buchanan Street. Bought a pair of green cotton trousers in Cos and a black top inJL. It will sort of replace the black jumper that I got chewing gum all over yesterday - doesn’t look like it’s going to come off , even after 2 days in the freezer .
Met D at the station for train back to Edinburgh. Had dinner in Junk - delicious!

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