
Cornwall Councils 100 Days To Armed Forces Day 2023.
Cold, wet, windy, no organisation, no PA system, underwhelming.
Following the event six of us headed to our homes to change out of soaking wet clothes, have a hot drink and change into blazers, medals and berets.
Treswithian Downs Crematorium; last week an appeal went out from Edwards family for any veterans that could attend an “Old Soldiers” funeral.
None of the six of us who turned up, from the three services, knew Edward and although he was Royal Corps Of Transport the Army were represented by veterans from the Royal Engineers, The Rifles and The Coldstream Guards, I think Edward would have been happy.

Home for what the world calls Chicken Noodle Stir Fry but in our house known as ‘Chicken Malarkey’.
The afternoon compensated for the morning.

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