Its Tinos birthday today - he is 12 years old. I tried many times during the day to get a good photo of him but he was having none of it.  Every time he saw the camera he turned his back .... or walked away.  Finally got the left hand shot of him telling me in no uncertain terms that he wasn't in the mood for a photo shoot.   This evening when the heating was on he went into his radiator bed and I was able to get another photo.  I did ask him nicely if he could open his eyes and look at the camera but he wouldn't.  Hes definitely a member of the " Awkward Squad".

After 4 weeks away from slimming club it was time to go back tonight and face the scales.  I saw on Facebook that it was Taster Night so I made some mini quiche muffins.  Group was quite busy but there wasn't much food brought in.  I was not surprised to have a gain of 10 pounds this week.  After 4 weeks of just eating anything and everything thats what happens.  But that's behind me and I'm back " on plan".  Hopefully I will lose those pounds over the coming weeks.  It will take a while but I will get back to my target weight in the end.  I got a lift to and from group from M.  It was nice to see her and we had a good catch up. 

Steps today - 4,689

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