Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A story behind this photo

This is my friend Leece ( that is not her name , if it was her mother would have been very cruel ) …
We are in a hotel just outside Bristol for Leeces partner has undergone a 5.5 hour surgery to remove a 7cm tumour in his brain . I didn’t post earlier as we have been waiting for the surgeon to call . I didn’t want my friend waiting all day and evening on her own which is why I’m lurking in a hotel with her which is by the hospital Ian is in .
Anyway , the operation went EXACTLY as the lovely surgeon hoped , they couldn’t get the entire thing out as it would have meant loss of movement in the left of the body and Ian’s vision , so what they do is take it as close as possible and then blast the area over the coming weeks / months with radiation treatment.
For now Ian is ok and he actually managed a small talk with his doctors . It’s been a very emotional day !!!

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