Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

J - K

We had some sun this morning - only an hour or two, but how lovely.  Here is one of four jays, captured in the reserve - a handsome individual who really made my day.

Much of the rest of the time has been spent on the labyrinthine workings of the DWP (Dept of Work & Pensions, for non-UK blippers).  Poor K had a bit of a meltdown yesterday because she knew she should get her dental treatment for free but it didn't look like that might happen.  Honestly, I don't know how anyone - let alone people who are unwell - could possibly navigate the DWP website.  In my experience this morning the ball of thread that should get you out breaks each time you touch it!

Hey ho!  We got there in the end (I think) with much help from the Citizen's Advice Bureau.

Now for a quiet evening.  And I hope yours is a good one  xx

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