Home! (Not quite)

After ten days away, we would, ideally, have been looking forward to a night in our own bed, but the miniMinx is performing in London, tomorrow, so...

We arrived home at midday, twenty-three hours after we said cheerio to Izzy at the Ferry Port, had showers and a maybe an hour's kip before we took the bus to Piccadilly Gardens and walked up to the station to take the train to London.

Once we'd reached Euston, we took the Underground down to South Quay, and made our way to the hotel that the Minx had found. It was an odd place, actually some converted offices, by the looks of things, but we dropped our stuff off and found a nice pub nearby called The George.

We managed one drink, but we were back at the room and in bed by ten!

Today's Blip was taken as we were flying over England, perhaps half an hour from Manchester. Although my phone was in 'flight mode', I guess the GPS was still working as the photo has a location of Stanford On Avon. Either way, it was a chilly looking prospect after the heat of Sierra Leone.

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